Articles Published in a National Magazine, "BETTER INVESTING":
Please click on the article you would like to read.
1. Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Researching DRP Companies: November 1997, Page 19 2. A One Page Quick Analysis of a Stock: March 1998, Page 59 3. The Quick Analysis Revisited: September 2002, Page 52 4. Comparative Analysis of Stock: October 2002, Page 36 5. Principles Behind the Numbers in the SSG (Stock Selection Guide): March 2003; 24 6. Behind the Numbers in the SSG-Part II: April 2003, Page 30 7. Behind the Numbers in the SSG-Part III: May 2003, Page 18 8. Relationship Between Profits and Stock Prices: BITS, August 2003 9. A Five Year Revisit to the DRIP Superstock portfolio: BITS, February, 2004
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